Visibility & Access permissions are the guardrails of your media library. Library Staff can grant stakeholders permission to view and download from your organization's Portal by adjusting your content's Portal settings and managing user permissions.There are several Visibility & Access strategies when organizing your media library, so we recommend carefully considering your stakeholders and their unique needs before getting started.
- Understanding Visibility & Access
- Share Icons & Portal Settings
- Permission Inheritance
- Sharing & Delivering
- Managing & Editing User Permissions
Understanding Visibility & Access Settings
Visibility determines whether or not end users can see a Collection/Gallery on your Portal. Visibility can be set to one of the following:
No one but me
This Collection/Gallery is only visible in the Library by Library Staff. It is not listed on your Portal. -
Those with permission
Only people you've invited will be able to view this Collection/Gallery on your Portal. -
Anyone who visits your Portal will be able to view this Collection/Gallery and the files inside. This means the gallery or collection will be publicly visible, which includes people outside of your organization who may visit your portal.
Download permissions determine whether or not end users can download from a Collection/Gallery on your Portal. Here are the different types of permissions you can apply:
Invite individuals to a Collection/Gallery via their email address or share content with groups of stakeholders in an Invited Users Group. Stakeholders are required to log in with their email address and a password they set for themselves, or using Single Sign On. As a result, their name and contact information will appear in your download reports. -
Require stakeholders to enter a password before they can view (or download) a Collection/Gallery. Only the stakeholder's IP address will appear in download reports. -
Allow anyone who visits your organization's Portal to view (or download) a public Collection/Gallery. Only the stakeholder's IP address will appear in download reports.
IMPORTANT: Our system determines what users can search and download on the Portal by looking at two things:
- Files in containers that are public and therefore visible to everyone
- Files in containers that are explicitly shared with a user via their email address
Files in containers with passwords are not explicitly shared with users, so while users may see images from that container in their Search results, they will not be able to download them. For this reason, we recommend sharing content with users via their email address rather than using passwords.
Share Icons & Portal Settings
In Lumen, the Visibility & Access icons in the Library tree have been updated to match our new UI. We refer to these new icons as the Share Icons. They help your Library Staff see the Share settings on a Gallery or Collection at-a-glance, and make working in the Library easier and faster. The eye icon indicates Visibility settings, while the download icon indicates Download access. These settings are controlled in the Share modal by clicking Portal Settings.
Files, Galleries and Collections can have either a View, Download or Inherited (shared with parent) permission.
Each permission can have a status of Publicly Shared (visible to everyone who visits your Portal), Invited users only, or Private (visible to only Library Staff).
In the Library tree, you'll see these icons side-by-side next to each Collection/Gallery. See the example below:
- The Everyone collection is both visible and downloadable by any public users who visit the portal
- The No one but me collection is private; only Library Staff can see it in the Library
- The Those with Permission collection is only visible and downloadable by users with either a People/Group permission or a Password
To manage Portal Settings:
- Select a Collection/Gallery in the left pane
- Open the Share modal and click Portal Settings
- Click the gear icon next to View and/or View and Download to change the access type
- Change the access type to either Invited only, Password or Public
In the Share modal, you can also use the Copy Link button to copy the Portal link to the container to share externally (via email, Slack, MS Teams, etc.).
Permission Inheritance
Every Collection and Gallery in the Library has native permissions. Native permissions apply whenever a Collection/Gallery does not inherit permissions from the Collection in which it's contained. In the example below, the container that inherits permissions has faded visibility and access icons whereas the non-inheriting container does not.
To adjust inheritance, navigate to the parent Collection and click Share, then toggle off inheritance.
Sharing & Delivering
To add a new permission:
- Select a Collection or Gallery in the left pane
- At the top of the center pane, click Share
- Add a permission by entering the name of an invited user, an invited user group, or an email address
- Use the access menu to set the Visibility and Download access for the user or user group
- Notify new users of their access by enabling the toggle. Once you save your changes, an email invite will be sent to the new users you've granted access to.
Managing & Editing User Permissions
- To adjust permissions for invited users or groups, open the Share modal and click the Settings icon next to the permission
- Use the Permission drop-down to select Can View or Can Download
- Use the Image and Video drop-downs to define the size at which the user or user group can download
- If needed, enable watermarks on JPEG downloads using the toggle. You can also set an expiration date for a permission in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Note: Allowing users to download image and video files at their original size also allows them to download all subsequent sizes.
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