If your university or organization has enabled the Single Sign-On add-on (SSO), you will notice a different login page on the PhotoShelter for Brands Portal. If you are a non-SSO user looking at a PhotoShelter for Brands Portal that has SSO enabled, you can still login using the public login method.
How to tell if a PhotoShelter for Brands Portal has SSO enabled...
Open your web browser and navigate to the organization's Portal. The URL for organization's PhotoShelter for Brands Portal is typically the organization's name, followed by ".photoshelter.com".
Then, click "Login" in the top navigation bar of the Portal. If you aren't sure how to login, click the word "Contact" in the top navigation to send a message to the owner of the PhotoShelter for Brands account.
Log in to a Portal using your University or Company Login
Click the button in the center of the page to login. This will take you to your university or company portal site where you can use the email address and password you typically use to login to university/company portals.
For example, on our fictional Lakeside University portal, clicking "University Login" on takes the user to a place where they can login with their Lakeshore University ID or email address and password.
Log In to an SSO-enabled Portal without a University or Company Login
On the login page, click "Use our public login".
This takes you to the email address and password login form. To learn how to login using this form, see Log In as an Invited User.
Next, learn how to find and download files after logging in.
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