You can choose to display or hide the actions available in the bottom toolbar of the Portal single file view, including download, share, cart, and lightbox. You can also choose how thumbnails display on your Portal.
Select Portal Settings from the Admin menu, then head into Page Settings.
- If you have Display download links turned on (and vice versa):
- The Download icon (below) will be visible for your files and galleries:
Social sharing
- If you have Enable social sharing turned on (and vice versa):
- The Share icon will be visible for your publicly viewable "Everyone" files, galleries, and collections:
- It will not be visible for anything your Invited Users see in Invited Galleries
Collection/gallery/file thumbnails
- If you have Collection/gallery cover thumbnails and Image thumbnails set to Fit (do not crop), the thumbnails will display with their native aspect ratio
Above: thumbnails set to Fit
- If set to Fill (crop to fixed size), thumbnails will be cropped to display at a uniform square size
Above: thumbnails set to Fill
Cart and Lightboxes
For more info on how to display or hide the Add to Cart and Add to Lightbox icons in your bottom toolbar and topnav, see the Edit Your Portal Navigation article.
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