The Microsoft Teams integration enables members of your organization to subscribe to real-time Gallery and Workspace notifications via MS Teams, and allows your team to search for and share public content in your PhotoShelter Library directly within your MS Teams workspace.
By using the MS Teams integration you agree to PhotoShelter's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
How it Works
After adding the PhotoShelter app to your MS Teams Workspace, users will be able to search for content, post that content to public or private channels, and opt-in to notifications using the Solution Triggers indicated in our Setup steps.
Users can control notifications for public content at the gallery level, send notifications from multiple galleries or workspaces to a single MS Teams channel, or send notifications to multiple MS Teams channels at once. See below for more details on each solution trigger.
Solution Triggers:
- Gallery Add Media Rollup: Notifies in the channel that uploads have been made within a 5-minute span in the chosen gallery and links to the gallery.
- Workspace Add Media Rollup: Notifies in the channel the quantity of uploads made within a 5-minute span in the chosen workspace and links to the workspace.
- Workspace Media Comment Rollup: Notifies the channel of what new comment was made in the chosen workspace and links to the workspace.
- Workspace Media Review Rollup: Notifies in the channel a quantity of what approvals were made within a 5-minute span in the chosen workspace. It also links to the workspace.
Contact the Customer Success team to add the MS Teams Integration to your PhotoShelter for Brands account.
- Log in to your PhotoShelter for Brands account as an Admin or Editor.
- Navigate to Admin > Integrations > MS Teams.
- Click Create new integration.
- Add a Title for the integration and click Create.
5. In the window that appears, click Connect to authenticate your Microsoft account.
6. After authenticating, select your Microsoft Teams account and the default channel of the Teams account.
7. After making your selection, close the window.
Using the Integration
Once you have connected the integration, you are able to create different workflows by clicking on the Create new solution button.
- Click Create new solution and add a Title.
- Select your notification trigger under Solution Trigger.
- Below Action, choose Send to Channel.
- Below Solution details, type the name of a PhotoShelter Gallery or Workspace. Predictive text will search for matching galleries or workspaces in your Library.
- Below MS Teams Channel, type the name of the channel in your MS Teams account to which you want rollup notifications enabled.
- Click Create.
To test your solutions, head to the Library and select the Gallery or Workspace set as the target in your solution. Upload files to that Gallery or Workspace. Once the upload process completes, you should see a notification in the MS Teams channel you set as the target channel.
The notification includes a thumbnail of the first file uploaded, the total number of files uploaded and the name of the container. If the Gallery is publicly visible, there will be a link to "Open [Gallery Name]" below the image thumbnail.
Using the Search Functionality
Another functionality of the integration is the ability for all users to search your PhotoShelter account's publicly accessible media through MS teams.
- Navigate to a channel in Teams and start a New conversation. Click the More icon and select the PhotoShelter for Brands app.
- Type a search term in the field provided. A list of matching PhotoShelter files should appear.
- Select the file to add it to your channel.
Will the MS Teams integration allow me to control notifications and links to content that is not publicly visible?
No. A link will only be posted to the MS Teams channel if the content is publicly visible. This also means that links will not be posted to an MS Teams channel and a notification will not be received if the content is not publicly visible.
Can you send notifications from multiple Galleries or Workspaces to a single MS Teams channel?
Yes. To do this, you'll need to create a solution for each of the Galleries or Workspaces you want notifications for. Each of the solutions should be configured with the same MS Teams channel name.
Can you send notifications from the same Gallery or Workspace to multiple MS Teams channels?
Yes. As above, you'll need to create a solution for each MS Teams channel you want to receive the notifications. In these solutions, the Gallery (or Workspace) will stay the same and the target MS Teams channel(s) will be different.
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