PhotoShelter's three-pane Library is your team's mission control. Library Staff, like Admins and Editors, can organize and browse files in the left pane, view gallery and collection contents in the center pane, and find permission settings and basic file information on the right.
Left Pane
At the top of the left pane, navigate between your organization's Library and Workspaces by toggling between the two tabs. Also note two search tools: find gallery/collection by name, which searches for content by text match, and File Search, which reloads the left pane with a set of search filters that you can use to find the files you need.
Select a root-level item to view its nested contents, and expand your folder structure with the drop-down arrows next to your collections and galleries
Drag-and-drop galleries into collections, or drop collections into other collections
- View and set permissions at a glance using the visibility and access icons
At the bottom of the left pane, you'll find your organization's Shared Libraries and the Trash folder. Drag any collection, gallery, or files into the Trash folder to delete them. All files are stored here for easy recovery if needed.
Note: Files within your deleted galleries and collections are recoverable, but your deleted gallery and collection structures are not recoverable.
Center Pane
The center pane displays the contents of your current selection. Select a collection in the left pane to browse its nested galleries and nested collections in the center pane:
Select a gallery in the left pane to view its files in the center pane:
From a gallery view or file search result view, double-click any thumbnail to view the full-sized file in the center pane:
Across the top of the center pane are tools that help you work with and take actions on content:
- Take batch or single actions on collections/galleries and files
- Quick select using the Select: All or Select: None links
- Sort files into your preferred order for display on the Portal, or sort by date for Library browsing
Control your gallery, collection and file preview preferences at the bottom of the center pane. Select the list icon to view a list of filenames, and toggle between large and small file previews:
In single-file view, rotate the orientation of an image or toggle between images using the arrows:
Note the iconography used for file preview thumbnails: For images, you can quickly see if they're priced or flagged:
At the gallery-level, the center pane is also an upload target. Drag-and-drop files into the center pane to upload small batches of files quickly:
Note: In order to maintain optimal performance, try to keep each gallery under 10,000 assets.
Right Pane
The right pane displays details on the items selected in the left pane and the center pane. This is where you'll find basic file info, quick action buttons, Visibility & Access permissions, and IPTC + custom metadata fields:
Cover Images
Set gallery and collection cover images in the right pane to help ease browsing and searching for content in the Library and on the Portal:
Drag-and-drop an image file in the center pane onto the upload target below Gallery/Collection Info in the right pane
- To replace a cover image, drag a new image file from the center pane onto the existing cover image. If a cover image isn't set, the first image thumbnail in the first gallery of that Collection is used for the default Portal display.
Note: Cover images cannot be removed. For caching reasons, we recommend replacing a cover image first before deleting a file used as an existing cover image.
Collection-level Actions
The right pane allows you to take certain actions depending on what's selected in the left pane.
To change the name of a Collection, select the Collection in the left pane, and edit the name in the right pane below the Collection cover image:
Below the Collection name is a hyperlink. This hyperlink directs you to the Portal view of the Collection, where you can preview your content.
- The Share button enables you to Email the Collection Portal link to a contact. You must first allow Invited Users (or "everyone") to view this collection before you are able to send an email this way.
- The Move button enables you to move this Collection to another Collection in your library. You can also drag/drop Collections in the left pane to re-organize your Collection structure.
- The Trash icon deletes a Collection or Gallery. You can also drag/drop a Collection from the center or left pane into the Trash at the bottom of the pane to delete it. You will always be warned about what you are deleting before you delete it.
Gallery-level Actions
Click where you see the Gallery name to edit the Gallery name.
The blue hyperlink is the Gallery's Portal link, which allows you to preview what the Portal version of the Gallery will look like to the general public or to your Invited Users.
- The green Upload button launches the web uploader (more on this upload method here)
- The Email Gallery button has several options. It will email the collection or gallery portal link to a contact. You must first allow others (or "everyone") to view these files.
- More Actions is where you will find Embed as Slideshow. A new window containing the gallery embed code for an HTML5 slideshow of the entire gallery can be found by clicking the embed a gallery slideshow option.
- The orange Trash can is to remove or delete the gallery from the Collection. Use remove if the gallery was made by copying another gallery. Use delete to delete the gallery and all of the files inside of it. You will always be warned about what you are removing/deleting before you complete the action (unless the gallery is empty).
Single-File Actions
Click where you see the File name to edit the file's name. Always keep the file extension when renaming a file (i.e. .jpg, .pdf, etc).
The blue hyperlink is the file's Portal link. Click it (or use the copy link to clipboard shortcut when you hover over the right hand side of this link) to preview what the portal version of this file will look like to the general public or your Invited Users.
The pricing, model release and location quick action buttons can be toggled and used to indicate to your fellow Library Staff members whether or not there is a release on file.
When you select more than one file in the center pane...
The right-hand pane is no longer active. Look to the "Actions" dropdown in the center pane (above) for all of the actions you can take on Collections/Galleries or Files in batch.
An Admin and Editor can access the Trash by clicking the icon at the bottom left of the Library. It's where deleted files live until they are (permanently purged) from your Library.
To recover one or more files that have been deleted by accident, select the thumbnail(s) in the center pane and drag and drop them to a Gallery in the left pane. This will recover the deleted file. Note: if the file had virtual copies and was deleted, you will need to make new virtual copies because there is only one file recovered in the trash (the original file).
To empty the trash and free up storage space in your organization's PhotoShelter for Brands account, click the "Empty Trash" button. Note: there is no undo, so be absolutely sure you wish to delete everything before proceeding.
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